Welcome to Omega Hospice Care
Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9: 30am to 4pm
Contact : (682) 895-9971
A Family Centered Approach OHC Pediatric Comfort Care supports the child as well as the entire family. We provide hands-on training and education for family members of caregivers. Counseling and emotional support are also offered to the family, including other children. OHC Pediatric Comfort Care provides developmentally appropriate hospice care to infants, children and adolescents with life-limiting conditions. Our pediatric doctors and nurses understand the difference between children and adults. Children respond differently to illness and treatment, as well as medications. Therefore, a unique care plan is developed for each child.
Hospice care is often referred to as palliative or comfort care is an “End-of-Life” Comfort Care for patients with terminal illnesses. It focuses on comfort, quality of life, emotional support (for the patient and family), spiritual enrichment, management of pain, and management of all medical needs. Hospice care seeks to preserve dignity while providing comfort when life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments.
1. Patients diagnosed with a life-limiting condition with a prognosis of 6months or less (should the disease follow its natural course). 2. Patients with illnesses in which curative measures are no longer effective, appropriate, or desired. 3. Hospice care has no homebound restrictions.
Our hospice team makes regular visits to assess the patient and provide care. The hospice staff has clinicians on call 24hours a day, 7 days a week.
1. When the patient has a prognosis of 6 months or less 2. It is better to start hospice early enough to fully benefit from the services. Hospice care services focuses on comfort care.